Hsarus Admin replied

487 weeks ago

Hello Everyone,

I would like to lay down the ground rules for raiding.

To begin, we would like all members to be as punctual as possible. We would much rather see you on at least 5 minutes before the raid rather than exactly at raid time. If you are unable to make the raid time, an officer should be informed as soon as possible. Personal phone numbers and email addresses may be exchanged to make this easy and this site may also be used to simplify things.

The raid shall be setup so that myself (Rinloak/Brandin) will be leading the charge. I will recite the strategy that we will be using and we run the fight by the strategy provided. If there is another way you've seen/done the fight, please inform me as I'm describing the strategy. This may save us time by allowing us all to make a decision based on what sounds correct and we may move forward as a group.

Loot is completely MS > OS > Disenchanting/Auction to guild bank, even BoE items. We will initially roll for Mainspec, then resort to Offspec (used OS preferred not just possible OS), and finally DE'ing BoP items or auctioning BoE items for guild bank use. If at any time a roll seems unfair, it will be discussed amongst officers. It is always preferred that we see less geared people gaining the loot that is the best upgrade to them, but this is based on player discretion.

Thank you for reading and I am always open to feedback!

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